Personal Life

Malia Advice For MJ’s Son’s Therapist

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Question: My question is for Malia. This is Dr. T. I was MJ’s son’s therapist for a couple sessions before I got fired. Why did he fire me? I am good at what I do. Thank you for trying to warn me about how he can be before I met him or met with his son. I get it now. Warmest, Dr. T from RR

Malia: Dr. T from RR, did you follow my advice?

Dr. T from RR: What advice? About how to handle MJ?

Malia: Yes.

Dr. T from RR: No. MJ would have seen right through that.

Malia: I tried to help you. MJ is very protective of his son. I knew as soon as you tried to trick him, you wouldn’t last long. If you would have been straight forward and consistent with him, his son would be a patient of yours right now.

Dr. T from RR: You were serious about answering every one of his questions with the same answer, but slightly different?

Malia: Yes.

Dr. T from RR: Isn’t that a little repetitive?

Malia: Yes, and it is also consistent. When you told me you got it, I knew you didn’t have it. I told you MJ would ask you the same questions several different ways to see if he could trip you up. He does that because you would have been a big influence in his son’s life, and he wants to make sure you are worthy of that much influence.

Dr T from RR: Our conversation would have been he asks a question about something, and I say some version of I am an expert at what I do, with over 10 years of experience. Your son is in good hands. I will make sure to keep you updated each and every step along the way.

Malia: Yep.

Dr T from RR: How would you have answered this question? MJ asked me about being evicted from an apartment complex I lived in, in Nebraska 25 years ago.

Malia: Your son is in good hands. I am an expert at what I do, with over 10 years of experience. I will make sure to keep you updated each and every step along the way.

Dr. T from RR: Well how would you answer this question he asked me? Dr T, would you be willing to sign a confidentiality contract?

Malia: I am an expert at what I do, with over 10 years of experience. I will make sure to keep you updated each and every step along the way. Your son is in good hands.

Dr T from RR: And when he asked me if I had ever been sued or pursued by a patient for wrong doing?

Malia: Your son is in good hands. I will make sure to keep you updated each and every step along the way. I am an expert at what I do, with over 10 years of experience.

Dr T from RR: Really?

Malia: Really.

Dr T from RR: He’s not stupid. He would have figured out I was saying some version of a simple phrase.

Malia: Yes he would.

Dr T from RR: Then he would have fired me before I had any sessions with his son.

Malia: No, he would have thought you figured out he was trying to test you, so in return you were giving him the answers, to show him you figured out what he was doing, and it would have shown him you are smart enough to realize when you are being tested. You would have passed the MJ test at that point. From there, as long as you did what you said you were going to do, MJ would have been happy.

Dr T from RR: What about his concerns about Gotye’s mental health?

Malia: He was testing you, to see if you would tell her, and/or would spill the beans on her, because if you would do it to her, then you would do it to him.

Dr T from RR: If I would have told him, I am an expert at what I do, with over 10 years of experience. Your son is in good hands. I will make sure to keep you updated each and every step along the way. That would have been ok? That doesn’t address his concerns about Gotye at all.

Malia: Exactly! Gotye isn’t your patient. His son is.

Dr T from RR: That’s actually really smart.

Malia: Yep. One thing I would do asap is send MJ his son’s medical records. He asked you for them 2 months ago. Legally, you should have provided it to him within 30 days. MJ won’t forget. This is about his son.

Dr T from RR: What’s he going to do? I’ll send them when I feel like it. He fired me after all.

Malia: Yes he did, but you did lie to him on multiple occasions, you use a contract that someone else owns the copyright on, without their permission, etc. You are a professional. You should act in a professional manner. He’s not trying to be nasty with you. His request for his son’s legal records is reasonable. It’s what exiting patients do. Have you ever not provided an exiting patient with their records?

Dr T from RR: I know, but I didn’t like getting fired. I will send his son’s records if I feel like it. I’m not afraid of him. I have always sent exiting patients their records. This would be the only time I haven’t.

Malia: And you want to make “MJ The Terrible” the first?

Dr T from RR: I told you Malia. He doesn’t scare me.

Malia: I know he is going to send you one last follow up email this week. My advice is to respond to it. He is only asking for what you are legally supposed to provide.

Dr T from RR: His ex isn’t nice to him. Why doesn’t he wipe her out?

Malia: Because she has his son half of the time. He also promised to always take care of her along time ago. He will always keep his word. It drives me nuts, but it’s one of the things that made me feel comfortable marrying him. Think about it. If he takes care of her mean, you know what, if we ever got a divorce, he would take care of me to. When she had ants at her apartment, he had 2 separate bug crews go make sure all of the ants were removed, and removed in an organic natural way. When the neighbors above her and her son were loud at night, every night, when she and +1 were visiting her mom, I don’t know what MJ did, but the problem went away. If she was nice to him, she could get away with murder. Seriously. I don’t know why she is so mean, when she could be fake nice, and live on easy street for the rest of her days.

Dr T from RR: What are you trying to say?

Malia: You aren’t protected like she is. I would do the right thing, and send him his son’s records.

Dr T from RR: Or what?

Malia: I don’t know, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Dr t from RR: I would call the police if he tried anything.

Malia: The previous and current President’s of the United States are professional connections of his on LinkedIn. Not to mention, generals, senators, and judges. When our country has cyber issues, who do they turn to? “MJ The Terrible”. I’m trying to tell you nicely, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into.

Dr T From RR: I’ve heard that before. Bullies don’t scare me.

Malia: He isn’t bullying you. He is only asking you for what he is legally entitled to. That’s it. How is that bullying you?

Dr T From RR: We will have to see what happens then.

Malia: I am glad you aren’t my step son’s therapist anymore. You are very standoffish.

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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