Personal Life

Joker Girl Malia and Thanos The Terrible Valentine’s Day Love


MJ: Nice picture. Who might you be pretty girl?

Malia: My name is Joker Girl. What’s your name? You be Thanos.

MJ: I am Thanos. I must say Joker Girl, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

Malia: Well, thank you Thanos. I like your big muscles. You don’t have to put on a muscle suit costume to make it look like you have big muscles like Batman.

MJ: Speaking of muscles, your butt has the most heavenly shape to it. God must have spent a lot of time on your fine behind to make it so incredibly perfect like that. I mean….Damn! Your fine ass deserves its own genre of artwork. I’m going to call it “Asswork”. Now, who is this Batman? Is that your boyfriend?

Malia: Well, if you play your cards right, I might take you back to my place and rock your purple world Thanos. You might be purple, but your balls definitely will not be blue when I get done with you. Batman is just this guy who is going through a midlife crisis. He plays with little bat toys. He has this “Batmobile” car because he is trying to compensate for having a little dick. His real name is Bruce Wayne. He likes to dress up in a bat costume and try to pretend to fight crime at night. Also, I think he’s a pervert. This boy lives with him that I am pretty sure is a minor, named Robin. It is not his son or a relative either. Batman could be a child predator.

MJ: That is disgusting! He sounds pathetic.

Malia: Exactly! He really is. When I have the time, I am going to go to his house “Wayne Manor” and get rid of the bat problem we have in my city for good.

MJ: Is Batman the only “Zero”, I mean “Hero”, standing in your way?

Malia: Well, there was Batgirl, but she is not a problem anymore. She got in my face one day and I broke my foot off in her ass. No one has heard from her since. Rumor has it she is floating at the bottom of Gotham River, but I wouldn’t know anything about that of course. What about you? Do you have any “Zeros”, I mean “Heroes”, that you have to deal with?

MJ: I do. There is a whole group of Zeros I have to deal with. They call themselves “The Avengers”. I call them the “The Inferiors”. They are nothing more than a group of wannabe vigilantes who dress up like Halloween Trick or Treaters. There is Iron Man. I call him Iron Can because I can crush him like a soda can. There is Thor. I call him Thorsky because it sounds weaker. There is Black Panther. I call him Black Panda because he is weak and cuddly like a teddy bear. There is also Captain America. I call him Captain American’t because he can’t beat me. There are other zeros, but I don’t want to talk about them. I want to talk about you.

Malia: What would you like to know about me?

MJ: Everything!

Malia: That could take a lifetime, but I can tell we were meant to be together. Will you marry me?

MJ: I thought the man was supposed to ask the woman to marry them?

Malia: This is 2021. Women aren’t just housewives who stay at home and have babies and take care of the household anymore.

Malia: Baby, I just made fun of my real life self. I am a housewife who stays at home and has babies and takes care of the household. I’m changing my answer.

MJ: You could do anything in the world you wanted to. You choose to be a stay at home house wife and mom, because it is the most important job in the world. My answer to you proposing to me, is yes. Will you marry me?

Malia: Yes!

MJ: Then by the power vested in me by the state of Thanosland, I now pronounce us husband and wife.

Malia: You may come kiss the bride.

MJ: With pleasure! Otw in 5ish.

Malia: Pleasure comes on the honeymoon. Would you like to follow up our first kiss with some honeymoon action?

MJ: Of course! I have been dreaming about your sexy ass all day long!

Malia: Joker Girl wants Thanos in the worst way.

MJ: Happy Vagina Day!

Malia: Did you mean Happy Valentine’s Day?

MJ: Yes, but autocorrect said Happy Vagina Day, so I am going to listen to autocorrect, and try to make your vagina happy today.

Malia: I love how we know how each other thinks, and we can be silly together. What do you think our Hollywood couple combined name would be? Toker? Thoker? Janos?

MJ: I haven’t said this in a while, but I would die for you Malia.

Malia: I know you would do anything for me. Likewise. I put on my Joker Girl makeup. You are about to do me as Joker Girl for real.

MJ: I could never really be a bad guy. I hate bullies and bad guys. They ruin shit for the rest of us.

Malia: Well, I just put on Joker Girl makeup, so you are about to make love to a bad girl.

MJ: I’m ready. You ready Mrs. Thanos?

Malia: I was born ready!

MJ: Then I’m all out of words and ready for action and Joker Girl satisfaction.

Malia: Yeah!

Thor The Terrible vs Sexy As Hela –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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