Personal Life

If Malia and MJ Broke Up Who Would Be In A New Dating Relationship First?

Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Parasailing In Port Aransas Texas Painting Photo

If Malia and MJ broke up who would be in a new dating relationship first? We asked people who are close to Malia and MJ if they broke up, who would be in a new dating relationship first, Malia or MJ.

Here were their answers:

Brittany White (Dubs): MJ. He can’t be alone. He needs a woman to keep him together. Before Malia started dated, MJ would have to be strictly monitored. He would never hurt Malia, but if MJ got angry, he could wreak havoc on the man she was dating, or worse, the world at large.

Marcus Jennings: MJ. If Malia starts dating, my black ass is moving my family to an underground bunker in a faraway foreign country. He ain’t nicknamed “MJ The Terrible” for nothin.

Kristi Jennings: MJ. I would not want to be the man she dates. MJ would hate seeing her date. He would protect her to no end. If a guy hurt her, holy shit! Let’s hope they never end.

Chin Soum (Asian Mom): Ga my

Gene Rockefeller: MJ

Big J. Kosta: MJ

Jenna Moyetti: MJ

Lakshmi Devi: MJ

Lebron James: MJ for sho. Malia would probably be the one to find the girl he dates. Malia knows MJ needs the stability a good woman provides. White Mike Johnson is cyber brilliant. He ain’t good at taking care of his self.

Donald Trump Jr: MJ. Has everyone picked MJ so far?

Kevin M: MJ.

Tarica Patel Hubbard: MJ. Malia would wait to date until MJ was in a good place after they broke up before she would considering dating. She knows how helpless he is on his own. She also knows what he could do if he was set off by her dating. Not to her, but to whoever the man she is dating. I doubt he would, but if he were antagonized enough, maybe.

Matthew McConaughey: MJ. Guys would be afraid to date Malia. Would you want to be the man dating MJ The Terrible’s ex?

Chris Hubbard: MJ. I’m sure Mr. Fanning has a strategy to prevent the world from MJ annihilation if they break up.

MJ’s Mom (Jeanne Johnson): My son

MJ’s Dad (Dave Johnson): Mike

Gina Haspel: My answer is MJ. He needs someone. The world is a safer place when Malia and MJ are together. MJ has matured over the years, but I wouldn’t want to see him provoked.

Fran The Nanny: MJ

J.J. Mendelhaussen: MJ

Ben Dupont: MJ

Meredith Brooks: MJ

Charlie Copeland: MJ

Ivanka Trump: MJ

Barack Obama: MJ. Fanning better have a plan in place to help MJ get through the divorce.

Pete Dowdle: MJ

Saggie Maggie: MJ

Megan Ayers: MJ

Gary McKinnon: MJ

Eric Fanning: I am afraid of the answer to this question. I would hate to experience a future where Malia isn’t keeping MJ grounded. That said, I believe MJ would be in a new dating relationship first. Out of necessity. He needs someone to take care of him.

Dr. Deb Frincke: MJ. If Malia started dating someone, MJ would lose it. Malia got him through his ugly divorce from his first wife. Malia nursed him back to health when he was in the hospital. Malia is his post subdural hematoma surgery everything. Malia is the mother of his children. We would have to put safeguards in place before Malia started dating. MJ would have a hard time seeing her with another man. He might eventually be able to deal with it. A protect watch and see approach would need to be taken.

Malia: I hate this question. It would crush me if MJ and I were not together. Seeing him with another woman would be living death. Thinking about it drives me crazy. We just need to be together. But if I had to answer I would say MJ. He has so much going on professionally. He needs someone to take care of his personal life.

MJ: I only want Malia and if I saw her with another guy, I would lose my mind. Can’t we just stay together? Malia adds so much to my life. She is my world. When I look at her, I see family, love, fun, sex, food, comfort, the future, etc. This is going to sound conspiracy theory crazy, but I think if Malia wanted to get a divorce, she would organize my post-divorce world for me first, including finding me a girl to date, before she would divorce me/start dating.

I would need to be somewhere surrounded by people I love and care about keeping me from losing it if Malia started dating another guy. I would never be mean to her. Deep down I would want her to be happy, even if she was not with me, but it would fucking kill me to see it. I think it would be worse than death. I would rather go through another brain surgery and learning how to walk and talk again, than I would seeing her with somebody else. That is my answer.

Malia after hearing MJ’s answer: I like his answer. I would never divorce MJ, but I do think his answer is probably right about me organizing his post-divorce world if we did divorce. I think if MJ wanted to get a divorce, he would still want me to help him organize his post-divorce world. He would expect me to be both the angry bitter ex and his rock to help him get through the divorce. MJ logic is different than a regular person’s logic. I know he knows I would do that. I can see him saying, “Do you wanna take a break from our divorce, and hangout and watch a movie?” We are together and that is not going to change. I love you forever MJ!

MJ after hearing Malia’s answer: We are forever, so I don’t have to worry about the who would be in a dating relationship first question. I could see me dating someone to piss her off. Then she would date someone to piss me off, and it would kill me. I know that is a double standard, but it is the truth. 3-8-12 forever because the alternative is a fate worse than death.

If Malia and MJ Broke Up Who Would Give In First To Get Back Together 2 –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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