You can’t make good decisions, practice good time management, be effective, efficient, productive, limit mistakes, work well with others, have the right attitude, be mentally prepared, adapt to a situation, follow guidelines, give guidelines, learn, teach, explain, listen, multitask, relate well with others, have empathy, sympathy, bring ideas to the table, etc., if your mindset isn’t right.
1. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep rejuvenates the body and mind.
2. Read. Leaders are readers. Knowledge is power. Just like you are what you eat, you get out, what you put into your mind also.
3. Prioritize. Focus on the important items that will get you where you want to be first.
4. Limit distractions when possible.
5. Group like activities together, so that you can get a lot done all at once.
If you do the best you can in every situation, keep an open mind to new possibilities, are willing to learn, listen to the people who are where you want to be, are kind to others, keep your word, believe in yourself, treat your body well, and use your time wisely, you are extremely likely to live/experience, one hell of a great life!
“Having the right mindset is vital to becoming successful. Success is a mentality, before it is a reality.” Gene Rockefeller
The Future Is Yours! by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson –