My 3 year old and I were cuddled up in my bed talking during our normal bedtime routine last night, and it got me thinking. His dreams were so big and grandiose, and I stopped him for a second to explain how some of those things weren’t possible, but then I stopped myself, because I realized- Who am I to tell him what is and what isn’t possible? Yes, I am his father, but on the other hand, why shouldn’t I let him dream big and believe in the impossible? The word possible after all, is inside of the word impossible. Dream big son, because you can be anything from a cartoon character, to a race car driver, to a computer hacker(white hat), to a helicopter pilot, and more. If you believe you can do something, and are willing to put in the work and the time to make it happen, your #1 supporter, your daddy, will always be right there in your corner supporting and encouraging you!
Doing What You Gotta Do & What’s Important In Life –