Personal Life

“Connected To The World”

Malia Middle Finger Picture

Any guesses as to what finger Malia is holding up? Yep! It’s the middle one.

MJ: Today I lied to her and did something behind her back, but instead of confessing, because I wanted to keep this a secret from her, for a good reason, I did the worst thing I could have possibly done, and got caught…..I lied!

Malia, I am sorry I lied to you today about the letter. The letter was meant to be a nice thing for your Mom, who lives so far away. The letter wasn’t to “some fucking whore”. It was to your mom.

When your mom was here last month, I couldn’t find the right words to tell her how much I truly love you. When I finally found the right words to describe it, she was already on her way back to S. Africa.

I am so sorry I lied to you, but I wanted you to hear what I wrote from your Mom, because I thought it would mean more to both of you that way.

Since you won’t come back up stairs, respond to texts, open the door, respond to emails, etc., I thought I would try this.

I want you to know I wasn’t lying to you with bad intentions. I was going to confess when your Mom told you about it. I only wanted to make you happy. Instead I made you cry and upset you.

I decided to post the letter on here, in the hopes that you would read it and not hate me anymore. Please love me again. I can’t live without you baby!

To My Future Father and Mother In Law,

I felt compelled to write this. It is important to me that you know how I feel about your daughter, and what my plans are for the future.

I love Malia more than anything in the world! She is the bedrock of my life, and the only person besides my Mom and Dad, that I trust 100%. This very week, Malia did something so incredibly loving for me, that I couldn’t put it into words. What an amazing angel of a woman you have raised.

Everything in my life revolves around her. When I was down and out, she was there to build me back up. When times are good, she enjoys everything right along with me. I know that no matter what the world can throw at us, Malia will be right there by my side for better or for worse.

This letter is a guarantee! Not a guarantee that life will be perfect, or everything will always run smoothly. This guarantee is simply this- As long as there is life in my body, I will do everything humanly possible to protect, support, care for, and love your little baby girl.

I assure you with my solemn promise before god and the world, that I will be the best husband, father, and soulmate to Malia, that I know how to be.

May I please have your permission to ask Malia to marry me?


Michael David Johnson

Malia: Awwww

MJ: Baby?

Malia: I like the letter.

MJ: Baby I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have lied. I love you. The only thing I wanted was to make you happy.

Malia: I am just emotional. I’m puking, tired, uncomfortable, irritable, emotional, and prego. When I saw you being sneaky I was freaked out. I thought the letter was to Gotye and I couldn’t bare the thought of losing you. I should have trusted you.

MJ: I am such a guy. I blanked out for a second. I love you.

Malia: What were you thinking about?

MJ: Stuff and things.

Malia: My stuff and my things?

MJ: Yes. I know its an inappropriate time to think about that. I don’t know. It’s just so comforting and pleasing and stress relieving and I feel connected to you and the world and everything. Will you please come upstairs so we can talk?

Malia: No

MJ: Please don’t sleep on the bed in my office alone tonight.

Malia: Don’t worry. I won’t be.

MJ: What does that mean?

Malia: That means I want you to come down here and feel “connected to the world” as you put it.

MJ: What?

Malia: Michael David Johnson you are the dumbest brilliant man on earth!

MJ: What?

Malia: I am naked in your office right now.

MJ: What?

MJ: I know. On the last what I was just teasing.

Malia: You are still waiting for me to write back, aren’t you? I don’t want to write anymore!!

MJ: I didn’t know. I was ready to race down there but I wanted to show you I love you and stuff since I had to public this up today to get your attention.

Malia: Naked. Your office. Ready. I feel loved. What else will it take to get you down here?

MJ: I lobe you baby! I’m otw.

Malia: I lobe you too MJ

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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