Malia May Johnson Pink Thong Butt Photo
Personal Life

Need To Feel It

MJ: I hear what you are saying but I think I need to feel what you are saying to really understand it. Malia: You need to feel a grocery list? MJ: Groceries are life. Groceries are sustenance.   Malia: You are really taking groceries seriously. MJ: It’s life or death. Malia: White or wheat toast bread is life or death?…

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Personal Life


Malia: Caulk MJ: Caulk? Malia: The construction guys putting the wall up today said “caulk” like 50 times today. They “caulked” everything. Caulk. Caulk. Caulk. MJ: Did caulk talk make you think about cock, because you’re baby crazy right now? Malia: Yes! MJ: Cock? Malia: Yes! And I have some good news but not good news officially yet. MJ: Lay…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Standing Next To JR Ewing Cut Out at South Fork Ranch Photo
Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 71 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 71 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “I love all the time Daddy.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson “You’re the best, Daddy.” Cash Michael Johnson “Do something. Do it! Baboochi!” Warren Partin “I didn’t lie. I deferred the truth until later.” Lakshmi Devi “It’s amazing how fast your life can change.” Brittany White…

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Masters of Money So..... Graphic
Personal Life


Malia: So, you don’t want to have sex with me and make a baby that will grow up to worship you and ignore me like the rest of our children do? MJ: Everything but the last part. Our babies love you. You are an awesome mom! I have to work. While I am working they miss me, so when I…

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"Massah" Police Gestapo Photo Post
Personal Life

“Massah” by Marcus Jennings

Recently there was a crazy situation involving the police that was/is a complete misunderstanding assuming that all parties are being honest anyway, and I wrote a funny remake of the song “Wade in the Water”, by Ramsey Lewis, a song famously sung by Harriet Tubman, when she helped slaves make it north to freedom through the Underground Railroad. I would…

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Masters of Money LLC True Relationship Quote Picture Graphic
Business, Personal Life

To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson’s Followers and Supporters

Words cannot express how thankful, how appreciated, how grateful, how honored, how valued, how respected, how cared about, how loved, and how supported all of you, my loyal followers and supporters have been and continue to be. I know that I could not have achieved what I have achieved, and would not be where I am today, if it were…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Migraine Headache Passed Out on the Floor Photo
Personal Life


Malia: I want to ride your c@$k with reckless abandon until you cum all up inside me! Malia: I am going to suck your cock like my life depended on it! Malia: I need my hair grabbed and to be banged from behind! Malia: Roses are red. Violets are blue. I want to cream and cum on your dick to.…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson White House Oval Office Picture
Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 70 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 70 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “There’s a cyber problem. I heard you were the man to call. Can you come over to the White House for a sit down with me in the oval?” President Joe Biden  “Acquiring companies is fun. Let’s make a habit out of this and…

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