Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Acquaintances and Connections Photo Collage
Personal Life

What You Know and Who You Know

Comment: Damn “MJ The Terrible”. I thought I was connected because I knew the mayor of my city. I followed you on LinkedIn and I looked through your connections. You got the Presidents doctor, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, CIA classified dudes and shit. You even got the director of the Department of Transportation. You one scary…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Hacked Social Media Post Example Screenshot Photo
Business, Personal Life, Social Media

Life After Death at HELL & BACK Fake Social Media Post

The following post was not written and posted by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson on his social media. The following post was written and posted by a hacker who was hired by a party to his legal proceedings to create a false narrative for Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson’s legal proceedings….. Life After Death November 11, 2016 at HELL &…

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