Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Warm Embrace Graphic
Personal Life

Love Is Love

No matter what someone says about someone or something in your life, if the person or thing makes you happy, and adds to your life, feel free to completely ignore whatever it was that the person said. Odds are the person saying it doesn’t understand the situation, doesn’t want to understand the situation, or is a hater/negative person anyway. I…

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Malia and MJ Son Cash Michael Johnson Photo
Personal Life

Hi Daddy I love You Message

Malia: Hi Daddy. It’s me Cash. I love you and I hope you are having fun with my big brother this weekend. MJ: I love you Malia. Thank you for being so flexible with things, and for being so sweet. Daddy loves you and thinks about you all the time Cash. I’ll see you on Monday big guy!

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Ferrari TERRIBLE Custom License Plate
Business, Personal Life

Baby Steps vs. Jumping In With Both Feet (Taking A Chance)

“MJ The Terrible”, Determination motivation, Entrepreneur motivation, Masters of Money and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Masters of Money LLC, Masters of Money LLC and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Michael Johnson(“MJ The Terrible”), Michael Johnson(MJ THE TERRIBLE), The history of Masters of Money LLC, Most people will never take a chance and/or follow their…

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