MJT Guy Fawkes Mask Photo
Personal Life

WTF CHUCK? (Round 2)

Dear Charles, We are trying to give you every opportunity to do the right thing, before this escalates to the point of no return. Charles, you may not believe that we will continue to escalate this to the highest level, but we can assure you that we will. We love MJ and will defend and protect him with every breath…

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Business, Personal Life

Create Your Own Blog and Make Money Using Google AdSense…..

The internet has plenty of blogs and resources. There are virtually endless blogs on just about any and every topic imaginable. To compete with the blogs that are already out there, you need to have a user-friendly blog, in a niche/topic that is in high demand, post high quality content on a regular basis, and promote your blog. You don’t…

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Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 14 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Die with memories, not regrets.” Jimmy Bellini “I love vacations and taking it easy. I also love to grow personally and professionally. That is why I work like hell and play like hell. I’m Armying it, by being all that I can be, and I’m Big Lebowskiing it, because I also like to chill. It’s the best place to be…

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