I Love The Way You Love Me Malia #luckiestmanonearth MJ: Baby, I am a Penis American. Malia: Baby, I am a Vagina American. A Booby American? What’s up Penis American? MJ: My penis. Malia: You are a Penis American and your penis is up? Thank you for letting me know. I can tell you got my letter in your office. …
Category: Personal Life
Details and information about the personal life, news, views, and opinions, of Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Founder & Owner of Masters of Money, LLC.
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Compilation
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Compilation: So far there have been 25 “My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson” posts, including quotes about life, love, family, friendship, business, haters, motivation, and more, from the following people: Dan Denefe, Derron Cook, Alma Johnson, Malia May…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 25 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 25 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “People should be connected. The world is a better place when people are connected. The world is a more transparent place when people are connected. Language and geographic barriers no longer have to be boundaries when people are connected through social media and the…
Malia and MJ’s Relationship “Firsts” Posts
MJ, We have had some amazing “Firsts” in our relationship. I went through all of the “Firsts” posts about our relationship that we have done and made a post out of them. I hope you enjoy MJ and I’s “Firsts” posts. Sincerely, Malia The First Conversation Malia and I Ever Had by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/the-first-conversation-malia-and-i-ever-had-by-michael-mj-the-terrible-johnson/ Our First…
Proven Strategies For Recognizing and Dealing With Haters…..
If you are looking for proven anti-hater tips and strategies, then you are in the right place! Nothing can be more frustrating than having to deal with someone who is unreasonable, one sided, self interested, self-absorbed, arrogant, doesn’t want to be fair, isn’t open minded, doesn’t like you for some reason, judges you without knowing you, criticizes your idea, just…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 24 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 24 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Don’t let the petty stuff bother you, and don’t let success go to your head. If you can keep it in the middle you’ll be fine.” Mariah Carey “I believe a person can change. It can take a long time for a person to change.…
Much Needed 3 Day Johnson Family Staycation
Malia: Baby, I have good news for you! Today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, you are on vacation. I coordinated with Tarica, Marcus, Brittany, etc., to make sure everything was covered, so that you could take 3 days off, rest, and spend time at home with us. You don’t have to do anything but love on us for the next 3 days.…
The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Collection
Make 2021 the year of more! More time, more friends, more romance, more traveling, more money, and most importantly, more of whatever makes you happy! The things that make each of us happy may be different, but one thing we all need every once in a while is encouragement, and at Masters of Money, we do our best to try…
Rule Your World Strategies! – Mindset
A lot of things matter, but we each decide what we want to make important in our lives. Since what we focus on grows, focus on what you want more of in your life. Don’t stop until you have everything you want. I can tell you this- The same people who will doubt you and laugh at your ideas early…
Malia’s I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story
Malia I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story: – Beginning of transcript – Malia: Hey, I just needed to call and tell you something. Uhm, I’m sorry I didn’t trust you like earlier than now, but uhm, I really like, can’t go any longer without telling you the trust. Uhm.…