Hello! I am Megan Ayers. I was asked to write a post for MJ’s blog. They said I could write whatever I wanted to. Here is what I decided to write. I have known MJ and his friend/body double Chris for 15 years. I met MJ at Sam’s Boat House bar and grill in Austin, Texas, by accident. My boyfriend…
Category: Personal Life
Details and information about the personal life, news, views, and opinions, of Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Founder & Owner of Masters of Money, LLC.
The Best Way To Communicate Effectively (Precise Communication)
Just about everyone would agree that effective communication is a giant key to success. As far as professional communication is concerned, superior communication skills are necessary in today’s world, without which it is difficult to survive at work. One is expected, or instead required to get hold of more than a few basic skills, to develop good communication skills, with…
The Nookie Monster
MJ: The Nookie Monster is hungry! Malia: Oh yeah? What do you want to eat Nookie Monster? MJ: I am going to eat you for lunch. Malia: Are you going to “doink me” like your Dad calls sex? Malia: What are you interested in my horny hubby? I think it’s so funny he calls sex “doinking”. MJ: I am interested…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 35 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 35 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Haters, the people who try to find fault like there is a reward for it.” Tony Robbins “People get ideas in the shower because running water relaxes the brain and allows for the free flow of ideas.” Arthur Fry “I made the choice to…
MJ, I wrote this “Deep Poetry Feeling Shit” for you…..
MJ, I wrote this “Deep Poetry Feeling Shit” for you….. MJ is very loving and thoughtful. He gets me, and I know he always supports me and has my back. MJ is also a man, so sometimes the sensitivity of things gets removed from his words, but his intentions are always in the right place. I was telling him about…
MJ Test Results Bidets and Sex In The Attic
Malia: I just talked to Dr. Frincke. She told me your test results on all of the testing you did. She said your test results surprised her. MJ: Bad? I haven’t been following the diet should told me to follow. Malia: Yeah, she noticed that. Your cholesterol was high. She asked me to help with your diet because she said…
My Favorite Quotes From People I Know Who Have Served This Country by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People I Know Who Have Served This Country by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “How do you get through things? Sheer perseverance! Keep going when you have to. Find a way. You can. You must.” Avril Haines “Try to work it out with words before turning to all out war. If words fail and war breaks…
The History of Memorial Day
Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is a United States federal holiday dedicated to mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May annually. It was formerly observed on May 30th, from 1868 to 1970. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day, to…
A Picture and a Thousand Words about an Angel on Earth
I wanted to take a minute to send a love shout out to the beautiful loving angel in this picture. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, here are just some of the 1,000 words that I think most accurately describe the angel on earth in this picture. Smart, loving, caring, adorable, beautiful, alluring, appealing, charming, cute. dazzling,…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 34 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 34 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “If you ever decide to use your mastery of cyberspace in the private sector, I want to be your first call. We could change the world together. I share your goal of making the world safer, more informed, more possible for all. Gesondheid! (Health)”…