Investing In Knowledge If you are like many entrepreneurs, then you know that it is essential to have a good deal of knowledge when it comes to running your business. As we have talked about, it is important to make sure that those that are providing you with the necessary information are doing so without taking all of your money…
Category: Business
Details and information about the professional/business life, news, views, and opinions, of Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Founder & Owner of Masters of Money, LLC.
Entrepreneur Tips & Knowledge Worth Knowing (1 of 2)
Anyone that is interested in finding true success throughout their lives can do so, with the right tools, the right amount of ambition and the knowledge to make it all happen. Yet, the entrepreneur, no matter which business he/she is in he/she needs to plan ahead and find success through much more than just these things. To be an entrepreneur,…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 71 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 71 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “I love all the time Daddy.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson “You’re the best, Daddy.” Cash Michael Johnson “Do something. Do it! Baboochi!” Warren Partin “I didn’t lie. I deferred the truth until later.” Lakshmi Devi “It’s amazing how fast your life can change.” Brittany White…
Recent Company Reviews
Recent Masters of Money LLC and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Comments and Reviews: “My team and I from Intel Corporation recently went to Masters of Money’s offices to pitch them our new office suite business package. I drove separately from my team because I was running late due to my daughter being sick. After the meeting, in Masters…
To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson’s Followers and Supporters
Words cannot express how thankful, how appreciated, how grateful, how honored, how valued, how respected, how cared about, how loved, and how supported all of you, my loyal followers and supporters have been and continue to be. I know that I could not have achieved what I have achieved, and would not be where I am today, if it were…
Welcome To The Family Artificial Intelligence Universal Incorporated and Thank You To All Of You
We would like to welcome Artificial Intelligence Universal Incorporated to the family, and say thank you everyone who has helped build, contribute, share, buy from, sell to, contract with, partner with, merger with, work for, work with, contract for, contract with, license from, license too, invest with, collaborate with, host, follow, like, join, repost, retweet, support, defend, grow, contribute, friend,…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 70 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 70 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “There’s a cyber problem. I heard you were the man to call. Can you come over to the White House for a sit down with me in the oval?” President Joe Biden “Acquiring companies is fun. Let’s make a habit out of this and…
Masters of Money LLC Acquires A.I.U. Incorporated for $27.1 Million Dollars
Masters of Money LLC announced today, that it is acquiring, artificial intelligence automated learning software developer, Artificial Intelligence Universal Incorporated (A.I.U. Incorporated) for $27,100,000. This is Masters of Money LLC’s 4th and largest company acquisition. Masters of Money’s recent company acquisitions list is as follows. 2017: The Money Channel for $1,700,000 2018: Nerdy Black Girls, LLC., for $350,000 2021: Cyber…
6 Tips To Improve Your Credit Score
Having bad credit can be detrimental to your financing and places several hurdles in front of you when it comes to availing loans. Having a poor credit score can happen to anyone, and for several reasons, ranging from not paying debts off on time, to missing payments. Luckily, there are ways that you can go about improving your credit score.…