Malia: What do you think……. MJ: WOW!!!! MJ: You are so incredibly beautiful my love! MJ: You were nervous about modeling for your friend because you have been out of the game for a while, but damn!! You rocked that shit! I can tell. Malia: She was happy. MJ: I bet she was. I wanna buy whatever it is you…
Author: Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
Malia & Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Love Collection
The Letter I Wrote To My Future Father and Mother In Law To My Future Father and Mother In Law (I hope!), I felt compelled to write this. It is important to me that you know how I feel about your daughter, and what my plans are for the future. I love Malia more than anything in the world! She…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 89 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 89 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “All things being equal, then equal treatment for all things.” Vice President Kamala Harris “There is nothing more powerful in this world then an idea. An idea can change the world.” Elon Musk “I want a performance review. I have been killing it and…
My Favorite MJ Sexy Hot Quotes 14 by Malia May Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “It’s a rub perfect situation.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson “It is MMILFM, aka Milf Malia I’d Like To F@ck Monday.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson “You are so fucking beautiful.” Michael “MJ The Terrible”…
The History of Presidents Day
The History of Presidents Day: Presidents Day (Presidents’ Day), officially George Washington’s birthday at the federal governmental level, is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of February. It is often celebrated to honor all those who served as presidents of the United States and, since 1879, has been the federal holiday honoring the Founding…
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 27 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “Is it time for me to do my duty and slide up and down on your pole?” Malia May Johnson “Grab my hips and hold on. It is going to be a wild ride daddy.”…
Valentine’s Day Love Picture Quotes Collection
Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated annually on February 14. Valentine’s Day originated as a Christian feast day honoring Saint Valentine. Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love, not just romantic love between couples, but celebrating the love we have for our friends and family members. For those who are in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 88 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 88 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Daddy, I love you more than pizza and my new Barbie doll.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson “The America that I love is under attack and I have to fight for this country that I love. It is not about revenge. I am running for love…
Masters of Money LLC Cars Picture Quote Collection
If success quotes and pictures of sports and luxury cars motivates you to pursue your dreams, then this picture quotes collection is for you. Enjoy! Sincerely, Michael “MJ The Terrible” JohnsonOwner & Founder of Masters of Money, LLC. “To fulfill your true potential, you have to leave your comfort zone. The tradeoff to leaving your comfort zone, is you have…
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 26 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “Heads I get tail. Tails I get head.” Malia May Johnson “Gulp. Gulp! Gulp it up!” Malia May Johnson “The feeling of a good ass f@cking is an unbelievably good, naughty, but good thing.” Malia…