Malia and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson OB-GYN Appointment Ultrasound Video Link – Do you know what I was thinking about during the ultrasound? I will tell you what I thought about during the ultrasound. Michael David Johnson, 1. I was hoping that there was a healthy little critter in there. 2. I was hoping it was going to be…
Author: Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
MJ: Malia, I finally found a word that accurately describes your butt. The word is “Callipygian”. Callipygian comes from the Greek word kallipýgos, meaning having a beautiful buttocks, referring to a statue of Aphrodite. MJ: Baby, your butt is so incredible that it causes other women to have Gluteus Maximus Deficit Disorder. What is Gluteus Maximus Deficit Disorder you might…
To My Soulmate Michael David Johnson
To my soulmate Michael David Johnson, You may not have been my first date, my first boyfriend, or my first kiss, but since you came into my life you have been my all everything and I know you always will be. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I could give you one thing, it…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 124 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 124 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Smart phones have dumbed us down.” Steve Case “Don’t look at what you don’t have. Look at what you do have. You are a lucky guy when you look at it in that context.” Jake Palmer “You have to respect those that have the…
Little “MJ The Terrible”
Malia: Do you remember who your first hero was when you were a kid? MJ: I think it was He-Man. Why? Malia: Do you remember why you stopped liking He-Man? MJ: Believe it or not, yes. I found out that He-Man was a double agent. Malia: And how did you find out he was a secret double agent? MJ: Because…
My Favorite MJ Sexy Hot Quotes 27 by Malia May Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “I love you for all of the good honest reasons, but I also love you for all the naughty dirty reasons.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson “I will forever remember today as three quickies day.…
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 41 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 41 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “When you really love your man, you put it on him.” Malia May Johnson “Love bombing is a good thing as long as it isn’t being done in a deceptive way. Let me know when you are tired of me sucking you off, okay? Because…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 123 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 123 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “The best thing we can do for the 9-11 victims is to remember their sacrifice and honor them by living our best lives in the spirit of unity.” Former President Barack Obama “You do get back what you do give out, at least to…
Women Look Like Their Daddies With A Wig On and Sex
Malia: I read an article that talked about how women look like their daddies with a wig on. Then I took your business profile picture and used a see what a man would like as a woman app. This is what you would look like as a woman and what our girls could grow up to look like…… MJ: I…
101 Fitness & Health Tips
101 Fitness & Health Tips: “Fitness is not about being better than someone else. Fitness is about being better than you used to be.” Khloe Kardashian 1. Determine the reasons why you are not fit. One of the best ways to get fitter is to determine the reasons why you are overweight. It could be that you are ignoring service…