Malia Lets Go Back To Being Happy Text Messages Sent To MJ Screenshot
Personal Life

Postpartum Happiness

MJ: Baby!!! You have been awesome this week! You are not going to turn into Gotye! She had postpartum depression, and you have postpartum sweetness and happiness. You are nothing like her. You will never lose me, and I love you! Malia: I’m not exactly sure how postpartum depression works, but I’m pretty sure Gotye was just mean and hateful…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Be Yourself No Matter What Logo Quote Picture
Personal Life

What Truly Matters In Life by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

One of the most important life lessons that I learned when I was in the hospital/going through speech therapy to learn how to speak again, physical therapy to learn how to walk again, and psychological therapy, to get my mindset right, before re-entering the real world, was this….. A person can try to please others, by being/acting like how they…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Walter Reed Hospital Photo Collage
Personal Life

Important Life Lesson I Learned While Recovering From Life Threatening Brain Surgery

One of the most important life lessons that I learned when I was in the hospital/going through speech therapy to learn how to speak again, physical therapy to learn how to walk again, and psychological therapy, to get my mindset right, before re-entering the real world, was this….. A person can try to please others, by being/acting like how they…

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Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Masters of Money LLC Poster Photo
Business, Personal Life

Q&A With Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson (September 2017)

Question #1. Question/request: What is your daily billing rate? I heard you are expensive but worth it. We have a problem that requires the best. Our problem is in network security. I will provide additional details when we speak. Everyone I have spoken to recommended you. We don’t know each other, but I am willing to provide you with references,…

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Pancakes and Cheetos Sexologist Post Photo Collage

Malia Talks With A Sexologist

Question: My question is for Malia. I am a sexologist. I can’t see you but I bet you laughed like everyone else does when I tell them what my profession is. I am currently studying the smell of men’s “goo”, if you will. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing what MJ THE TERRIBLE’s you know, stuff smells like?…

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