Question #1: When you say you are a copywriter, you write copy, what is that? Doesn’t a copywriter protect intellectual property? Jenna Archer Nacogdoches, TX Answer: Copywriting (writing copy), is primarily used for the purpose of advertising or marketing. This type of written/online content material, is often used to educate/persuade a person or group of people to want to learn…
Author: Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
Why do I feel guilty about my success? I shouldn’t right?
Question: I have been getting criticized for everything I do lately. I am sick and tired of it! I have worked nights and weekends for years. I made short term sacrifices for long term gains. I bet on myself when nobody else but my family did and I won. Why do I feel guilty about my success? I shouldn’t right?…
Why You Should Dress for Success On Job Interviews & At Career Fairs
Why You Should Dress for Success On Job Interviews & At Career Fairs: Are you looking for a new job, or a new career? If you are looking for a new job or career, you likely already know it is important for you to come prepared to all job interviews. This includes dressing professionally/dressing for success. While it is important…
I Need Some “MJ The Terrible” Style of Advice About My Teenage Son
Rant: You always write “Question” or “Comment” when you respond back to peoples questions. Mark this down as a “Rant”! My teenage son never goes outside. He is hooked on tv, videos, internet, video games and sleep. UGHHHH!!!! Thanks for listening stranger that I feel like I know through the internet. Ronda Allen Lincoln, NE Reply: He sounds like a…
Fans & Followers Online Q&A Chat with Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Question #1: Where can I get some cheap but legit business contracts MJT? Miguel Hernandez San Antonio, TX Answer: Check out (A lot of the contracts and agreements on the site are free.) Question #2: My son will be going to college soon and he is having trouble deciding what field of study to go into. What industries do you think…
Would You Give Your Heart To Your Kid? (John Q & “MJ The Terrible”)
Yesterday I was watching a movie called John Q, starring Denzel Washington, with my friend Chris. Chris asked me if I would take my own life, if necessary, in order to give my heart to one of my kids, so that they could live, if their heart was failing like the little boys was in the movie. My friend Chris:…
Thank You Mr. President! President Trump’s Tweet To “MJ The Terrible”
Thank You Mr. President! Thank you for the tweet! You made my son and I’s day the other day. I am going to print out a picture of it, frame it, and hang it in my son’s room. Again, thank you for the tweet/nice comment President Trump. I know that you didn’t have to do that. Much appreciated! To my…
What a “Gangsta” George Washington Would Have Said To England…..
I’m on a military base today, and some of the soldiers were joking around about what a “gangsta” George Washington would have said to England back when America declared its independence, on July 4th, 1776. Here is what they came up with….. Hey yo, England. This shit is ours now, and if you don’t like it, fuck you. Oh yeah,…
Rich People Date Differently (Funny Dating Coach Story)
In the building Malia(my wife) and I live in, in downtown Austin, on the 10th floor, they have a sports bar, where anyone who lives in the building, can stop to have a drink, eat a burger, etc. Well, tonight I ran into one of our friends, who is recently single, and just started dating. Myself, and a few of…
How To Inexpensively Form A Company & Patent Your Product or Idea
Question: MJ, I want to start a business and I only have one issue. My issue is money. I have the skills, the drive and a good head on my shoulders to make things happen. I am just short on cash. I have some money, but it’s just not enough unless I trim in some vital areas of my life.…