Golden Rule Of Personal Finance #1. To earn money from money. The only way to escape becoming a wage slave for the rest of your life is to set aside savings. The profit on your savings can be used to increase your lifestyle spending or reduce the number of years until you retire. How are you doing so far toward…
Author: Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
Our First Slow Dance
To the angry pissed off beautiful girl in condo PH51 who hates me right now…… Do you remember when we were completely lost, driving around in the middle of nowhere south Texas, and we ended up pulling over at that country dance hall? There was only one place to sit, and it was right in front of the stage. When…
What Baby Making Heat Looks Like In Text 3
Malia: When do you sleep? MJ: I slept right next to you and our babies last night. Malia: We slept. I think they call what you did power napping. MJ: Baby, I don’t want to argue again today, and I’m in an aggressive, kick ass mood! I’ve got to get shit done before I head south to go meet with…
What Baby Making Heat Looks Like In Text 2
Malia: Baby, I need a tool that I can’t find in the tool box. MJ: I don’t even know where the tool box is. Can Mr. Pete help you until I finish working on something? Malia: This tool isn’t in the tool box, and Mr Pete’s tool isn’t the one I need! MJ: What kind of tool do you need?…
What Baby Making Heat Looks Like In Text
Malia: See the girl in this picture with you? MJ: Yes. She’s very pretty. Malia: Well shes ovulating. Do you know what that means? MJ: Ovulating- The discharging of ova or ovules from the ovary. Malia: And do you know what that means for you Mr. Johnson? MJ: I think I have a pretty good idea, but why don’t you…
Masters of Money LLC Launches Powerful New Website Designed To Help People Make & Save Money
Masters of Money, LLC., currently the fastest growing business opportunity company on the internet, launched their powerful new website today, that was designed to help people make and save money, by using and following the tips and strategies found on Over the last 26 months, Masters of Money has built a social media following of over 12,000,000 people and counting,…
Masters of Money LLC Launches What Could Be “The Most Powerful Making & Saving Money Website of 2018″
Masters of Money LLC Launches Powerful New Website Designed To Help People Make & Save Money – Masters of Money, LLC., currently the fastest growing business opportunity company on the internet, launched their powerful new website today, that was designed to help people make and save money, by using and following the tips and strategies found on Over the last…
Why You Should Follow Your Dreams Motivation by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
The attached picture is me in 2014. I am holding an expensive bottle of wine that was given to me as a present, for hitting sales goals. 2014: I wish I could afford to buy a bottle of the incredible wine that I’m holding in my hand in this picture. 2015: I was in the hospital for most of the…
Why It Is Important To Learn How To Focus
Why It Is Important To Learn How To Focus: Mind power is undeniably powerful, but it is virtually useless without being able to focus it. The first step in learning how to focus, is indulging in unwavering concentration. Focus is very important for people looking to lose weight, start a business, graduate from school, and most other activities. Spending your…
8 Entrepreneur & Start Up Blogs You Should Know About…..
The following are some of the top entrepreneur & start up blogs, that you may want to check out. Escape From Cubicle Nation- From Cubicle Nation is all about escaping the 9-5 grind, and starting your own thing. Entrepreneurs Journey- large community that is interested in entrepreneurship and taking their life to the next level. Majority of the audience seem…